Get to know the Glasgow Team a bit better. We’ve asked them some searching questions to give you the insider viewpoint.

Kenneth Brodie
Title: Regional Manager - Scotland
Based: Glasgow
First job: Shelf Packer at Presto
First concert: U2 at the Barrowlands
Favourite sport: Football
Perfect weekend: Relaxing with family What surprised you about AWL:
All staff working as a team for the benefit of AWL

Heather Melrose
Title: Operations Co-ordinator
Based: Glasgow
First job: Ice cream van, making 99s
First concert: Duran Duran
Favourite sport: Skiing
Hidden talent: I can burn a salad
Cat or dog person: Dog
Choose a superpower: Invisibility

Garry Gallagher
Title: Business Development Manager
Based: Glasgow
First job: Discount Bike World
First concert: U2 in Glasgow
Favourite sport: Football and boxing
Hidden talent: Table tennis
Cat or dog person: Dog (I'm a huge fan)
What surprised you about AWL:
The trust they put in you, and the autonomy to just do the job