There are many benefits to using a 3PL provider. Here are seven great reasons to think about outsourcing your operational logistics.

1. Free up time and resources
Using a 3PL provider will allow you to focus on other aspects of your business. By handing over the logistics to a pair of safe hands, you can concentrate on sales, marketing, HR, product development – whatever is most pressing at that moment in time. Essentially, outsourcing your 3PL will give you more time and resources.
2. Access expert knowledge
We know our business, inside and out. By passing over your logistics, you’re instantly cashing in on that invaluable expertise. Fulfilment, warehousing and shipping all come with their own set of challenges which we know exactly how to handle.
3PL providers have greater leverage with freight companies. We can negotiate prices based on volume and order
3. Reduce costs
3PL providers will have greater leverage with freight companies. We can negotiate prices based on volume and order, bringing down the rates to a level that individual shippers just can’t match. You’ll also save on warehousing costs once you no longer have to maintain your own space and staffing.
4. Improve customer experience
Customers expect their orders faster than ever before. With a 3PL provider, you can deliver on their expectations. Thanks to our wide distribution network, we allow you to offer fast shipping and gain those five-star reviews.

5. Scale up, scale down
No business runs at a constant level of demand. A 3PL provider lets you manage those peaks and troughs without the cost implications of upsizing or downsizing your own operations. You can also have the confidence to test out new markets without committing to major investments.
Manage peaks and troughs without the cost implications of upsizing or downsizing your own operations
6. Manage risk
We’re no stranger to shipping delays and unforeseen circumstances. That’s why we’re great at organising alternative options to fulfil your orders, even when the unexpected happens. You can rely on us to manage your risk.
7. Take on international logistics
Customs, documentation, rules and duties have never been more complex. We have a handle on international logistics in these tumultuous times. You won’t have to worry about border issues delaying your shipment or amassing additional costs. We’ve got it sorted.
At AWL, we’re seeing continued growth across our 3PL division and e-commerce platform. It’s great to see this growth, with Q2 coming to a close showing a further 11.7% growth on Q1 figures. Thanks to a good mix of co-pak and e-commerce orders, we saw numbers hit record heights in June. June 21st saw a record dispatch day of 1,239 units processed and shipped.
Interested in finding out more about our 3PL services? Please click the link below to discuss your requirements, and your local expert will reach out directly.