We’ve pulled together some light-hearted profiles to help you get to know your local contacts a bit better. Take some time out to meet the AWL sales team...

Name: Sam Watts
Title: Far East Route Development Manager
Based: London
Joined AWL: August 2020
Likes: A good bottle of wine and quality family time
Football Team: Tottenham Hotspur
Connect with Sam on LinkedIn

Name: Wes Grundy
Title: National Business Development Manager
Based: Manchester
Joined AWL: October 2020
Likes: Good food, fine cheese, and rum
Football Team: Manchester United
Interesting Fact: He’s a Manchester United supporter who actually lives in Manchester

Name: Garry Gallagher
Title: Business Development Manager - Scotland
Based: Glasgow Office
Joined AWL: December 2020
Likes: Curry
Dislikes: Vegetables
Football Team: Glasgow Celtic
Interesting Fact: He competed in the 200m
Scottish Schools National finals

Name: Simon Barnes
Title: National Sales Manager
Based: Head Office
Joined AWL: April 2014
Likes: Travel, networking and roast lamb
Dislikes: Squeaky cheese
Football Team: West Ham United
Interesting Fact: He came second in regional Tarzan competition at Haven Holiday (aged 8)